Chinese Herbal Medicine
Herbal medicine is a major component of Traditional Chinese Medicine and has been used for over 3,000 years in China and around the world. Throughout history, herbal remedies were used to heal and balance the body. Unlike most pharmaceuticals and even herbal remedies found in health food stores, Chinese herbal prescriptions from a licensed practitioner are customized for the patient according to their individual needs and diagnosis. Herbal medicine may be suggested for a patient in conjunction with acupuncture treatments or patients can work solely with herbal medicine. Organic, pesticide-free herbs are recommended by Nature Points Acupuncture. All of the herbs I prescribe have been tested to be free of heavy metals, and contaminants.
Herbs can be a valuable addition to your treatment. The herbs are safe, effective, and time-tested. Herbal formulas can be individualized and administered in a variety of ways including tea, powder, capsules, or pills. They can also be used externally as a wash, liniment, or salve for various skin conditions or musculoskeletal issues.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a unique approach to herbs. Instead of just one herb, patients are given a formula. Herbal formulas consist of 6-12 different plants, enabling true individualization of your treatment. Your herb formula can be taken in a variety of ways- as a tea, a capsule, pill or tincture (liquid). All herbs prescribed by Nature Points Acupuncture have undergone rigorous safety testing bearing GMP stamp. (Good manufacturing practice)
With a few exceptions, herbs are safe to take with western pharmaceuticals. This will be discussed in your initial visit. All herbs that I recommend undergo rigorous safety testing and meet or exceed FDA safety requirements.